The next part of the Stimulus Plan I would like to discuss is its impact on energy. The Stimulus Plan intends to double the amount of renewable energy generated by America over the next 3 years. This significantly impacts us because we are a nation driven by oil (no matter what Dunkin' Donuts would have you think). Increasing our generation of renewable energy effects many topics, from the environment to national security. I think that decreasing out addiction to oil is the first step to making America, and the world, a safer place.
America has reached a point where it uses more fossil fuels than it can produce, causing.a need for importation. Contrary to popular belief, American only imports less than 25% of her oil from the middle east. Some of the people getting rich off of oil are funding terrorist groups. Luckily, this can be easily remedied. Strictly as an example, lets say we cut our oil consumption by 20% by using hybrid cars and nuclear power. Because America gets about 20% of her crude oil from Saudi Arabia, we could then limit our importation of oil to countries that support us (25% is from Canada and another 20% is from Mexico).
Burning fossil fuels, such as oil, create greenhouse gases. The current global warming is attributed to excess amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Renewable energy would slow, and possibly reverse some of the effects of global warming. Even if you do not believe global warming is real, not polluting will improve our air quality and out water quality overall. Its just an obvious thing to do.
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