Saturday, March 14, 2009

Example of a Post with No Proof

I started to run out of ideas for blog entries because of a lull in political news, so I went to my old forum to get some ideas.  Then I remembered why I quit.  I found this one thread based off of this blog entry:  Please read that before continuing. Not only does he give no proof that these mistakes actually happened, but some of them have already been factually disproved.  I am not saying all of them are wrong, Obama is human, he makes mistakes.  I am going to cover a few of the points that Mr. Surber bring up that are actually wrong, the difference is I am going to prove it to you.

To start: 16, 23, 24, and 46 are not mistakes HE made, but rather 'mistakes' other people made. 
The first 'mistake' that is listed is not even Obama's fault.  Chief Justice Roberts was at fault for the oath gaffe. 
If he wants to nit pick about 19, then so shall I.  The average words per sentence is about 15-20 words.  To see how long it takes to say a 15 word sentence, I timed myself saying it at a normal pace.  It took me 5 seconds.  You can go ahead and try for yourself and if 5 seconds seems reasonable you can keep on reading.  Divide the 1228 words by 15 words per sentence.  Then multiply that by 5 seconds per sentence.  Then divide that by 60 seconds per minute.  That gives you 6.8 minutes.  Not that long at all, hardly a 'mistake'.
As far as 51, I think we can all agree that is completely wrong, but it is my philosophy to give proof so check out the national debt clock. If 850 billion dollars quadrupled the deficit, it would have brought the deficit to 1.133 trillion dollars.

If these 52 'mistakes' do not make any sense, there may be a reason.  One forum that was discussing the article had an interesting point.  I can not find proof to back it up, but it is the first response:

Monday, March 9, 2009

Stem Cell Bans Lifted

This past Monday, President Obama lifted the bans on stem cell research placed by the Bush Administration.  The on-going debate about stem cell research is the most recent of the clashes between religion and science.  It happened with Galileo (Sun is the center of the Solar System) and it happened with Darwin (Theory of Evolution).  In those two face offs, the argument of science eventually won almost complete popular support.  It seems that the stem cell battle is trending that way as well.  My reason for thinking science will win: the last election
In the 2008 Presidential Election, both John McCain and Barrack Obama were in support of stem cell research.  When a Republican and Democrat agree on an issue, you know something big is going to happen with it. 

I am completely for stem cell research.  There is not much fact that I can use to back my argument up, but I can reason a conclusion.  It took me a while to come to a decision on stem cell research.  On one hand, you are destroying potential life.  On the other hand, you are saving and improving lives.  
It is a tough decision because both are valid arguments, but here is the way I see it:  If we allow stem cell research, we may find cures for cancers, paralysis, and regenerate cells in vital organs.  
Embryonic stem cell research holds the most promise for accomplishing this.  In order to do embryonic research, a fertilized embryo must be destroyed.  I do not think that this is "killing a person", at least not in the same way as murder.  The embryos that are created for the research are never meant to become people.  They were made to be used for research.  If you take away the research, you are not letting the babies be born, you are stopping there creation anyway because the embryos are only made for the purpose of research.  This combined with the prospect of saving/improving so many lives makes the choice obvious to me: stem cell research is the way to go.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Stimulus Plan: Energy

The next part of the Stimulus Plan I would like to discuss is its impact on energy. The Stimulus Plan intends to double the amount of renewable energy generated by America over the next 3 years. This significantly impacts us because we are a nation driven by oil (no matter what Dunkin' Donuts would have you think). Increasing our generation of renewable energy effects many topics, from the environment to national security. I think that decreasing out addiction to oil is the first step to making America, and the world, a safer place.

America has reached a point where it uses more fossil fuels than it can produce, causing.a need for importation. Contrary to popular belief, American only imports less than 25% of her oil from the middle east. Some of the people getting rich off of oil are funding terrorist groups. Luckily, this can be easily remedied. Strictly as an example, lets say we cut our oil consumption by 20% by using hybrid cars and nuclear power. Because America gets about 20% of her crude oil from Saudi Arabia, we could then limit our importation of oil to countries that support us (25% is from Canada and another 20% is from Mexico).

Burning fossil fuels, such as oil, create greenhouse gases. The current global warming is attributed to excess amounts of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Renewable energy would slow, and possibly reverse some of the effects of global warming. Even if you do not believe global warming is real, not polluting will improve our air quality and out water quality overall. Its just an obvious thing to do.

As always, your comments are welcome and encouraged. If you like what you have read, feel free to subscribe.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Stimulus Plan: Jobs

When it comes to the Stimulus Plan, you are probably either completely for it or dead against it. I have to say that most of this Stimulus Package is a good idea. Right now you may feel tempted to shout "liberal" and click that "X" on the top right corner of this page. Don't. I plan on actually explaining my opinion (shocking I know).

There is a lot to talk about with the Stimulus Plan, so I think it would be a good idea to break it up and look at it in parts. The first thing I want to talk about is jobs.

Probably THE best thing the stimulus plan does is it creates and saves jobs. The total jobs to be saved and created is 3 to 4 million. The amount to be saved/created per state is projected to range from 8,000 in Wyoming to 396,000 in California. This plan will create jobs through various projects, such as highway construction, and through the creation of new jobs in industries like renewable energy. Saving millions of jobs means touching the lives of almost every American. If it wasn't your job saved it could be you mom's, brother's, cousin's, great grandfather's, etc. What I am saying is jobs keep the economy going.

If a person can keep their job they can buy food, clothes, and useless crap. These purchases pay the salaries of the store owners and manufacturers of the food, clothes, and useless crap. The stores and manufacturers of the food, clothes, and useless crap then make enough money to pay their employees, this saves even more jobs. Your boss pays you, you buy stuff, the people who make/sell the stuff get profit, they pay their employees who then buy more stuff. In my opinion, this cycle needs to happen as soon as possible. It can not be put off for Congress to debate for another couple months. Our country's need for immediate action is one of the main reasons I support this Plan.

Keep checking back for my next post about Renewable Energy in the Plan. Or if you don't want to keep checking back, feel free to follow or subscribe to this blog.