Saturday, February 28, 2009

Hi, I started this blog to spread the truth about politics with as little propaganda as possible. I will post all of the facts in simple terms (with my two cents every once in a while). This first post is about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, more commonly known as the stimulus plan. Full text of the stimulus plan can be found at


  • Create or save 3 to 4 million jobs in the next two years
  • At least 75% of the money will be spent in the first 18 months
  • Largest investment in our country's mass transportation system since its creation (Builds and repairs roads, bridges, and mass transit)

    Clean Energy
  • Double renewable energy in 3 years
  • 3000 miles of additional or modernized wires
  • 40 million "smart meters" to be installed in American homes
  • Weatherize (insulation, etc) 75% of Federal buildings and 2 million households (Lowers electric bills. Projected to save low-income families $350 a year)
  • Improve security in 90 major ports.

    Health Care
  • Computerize America's health records (Because for some reason it is still isn't and many people die because of errors and lost files. This will prevent such errors and save billions of dollars)
  • Prevent loss of health care due to state budget cuts (Gives states enough to save 20 million people from losing health care.)
  • Provide coverage to people who have lost their coverage when they got laid off (Enough to give coverage to about 8.5 million)
  • Guarantees Americans will not lack flu vaccine due to cost.

  • Modernize and upgrade 10,000 schools. Improve learning environment for about 5 million children.
  • Increase college affordability for 7 million students
  • Prevent teacher layoffs in every state.
    • I am going to make a post about my opinions (any my reasoning) about this act soon, so keep checking back. :)